Adding items in one row if criteria in another column is met.



I'm developing a basic Life Cycle Cost Analysis Spreadsheet and need some
assistance adding the costs of particular activity into a specified year.

This column checks

if the Cash Flow Year

is listed in the "Year

Cost Occurs" and

and then adds it to the

other rows that apply

for a total cash flow

Cost$ Year Cost Occurs | Cash Flow Year Total in
Cash Flow Year
300 0,2,4,5 | 0
225 0,1,3,5 | 1
125 1,2,3,4,5 | 2

I am hoping someone can have some code that will look at the Year cost
occurs and then add it to the Total in Cash Flow Year.

Currently, this is the code I use
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(","&A2&",",","&'Alternative 1'!$F$8&",")),'Alternative
1'!$G$8, 0)+IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(","&A2&",",","&'Alternative
1'!$F$9&",")),'Alternative 1'!$G$9,
0)+IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(","&A2&",",","&'Alternative 1'!$F$10&",")),'Alternative
1'!$G$10, 0)

It applies to two different sheets but the lenght of the string is limited
so my formula is basically too long.
Any suggestions to create a loop through an array function?

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