Adding JPEGS/Gifs into a table inside a table



This is a ongoing problem and certainly would appreciate any help.
Please read to the end because the problem is when I print. First, I'
using Word2000 on XP.

I'm putting a small square table inside an larger square table. I pu
these six to a page, two columns of three with the borders of th
larger box touching.

The concept is that I use the borders on the smaller one for colo
while the borders on the larger one is for cropping. (Thus the smal
box is cut to have a white outside trim all the way around)

So far so good.

Now I paste a jpeg or gif into the smaller table for artwork.

Again, so far so good.

Here is the problem...

This all looks good on screen and even in Print Preview but when
print the jpeg/gif "jumps".

The printed copy has all the smaller boxes jumping up against the to
border of the bigger box above it.

I've tried converting it to PDF but the smaller box still jumps to th
top of the larger box.

I've attached the Word2000 file if anyone wants to try it and let m

This is an ongoing problem because these boxes are really name badge
for my wife's restaurant that I try to change for special occasion
such as Valentine's Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.

Secondly, I use Word Tables because I can also make small index car
size posters for the restaurant tables called "tables tops". By usin
Word tables I can center it and print a different message on each sid
of the same piece of card stock. (This isn't displayed on th

I truly hope this is clear.

Thanking you in advance

Graham Mayor

Your problem is almost certainly related to the printer driver.
In any case Word is not the best application for this type of work. Mixing
images and text in tables is never going to be easy - see the relevant tips
on my web site. My recommendation would be to use Publisher, which in
comparison is a joy to work with for this type of presentation.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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Word MVP web site
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