Adding Leading Zeros to Paragraph Numbering



I'm using Microsoft Office 2004. (I'll update everything when I
update from Mac OS 10.4.11 to Mac OS 10.6.2.)
In Microsoft Word 11.5.0 I need to number paragraphs with four digit
numbers ranging from 0001 to 9999. Using Format>Bullets and
Numbering>Numbered>Customize>Number style, I can get numbering with
one leading zero. But I need three (3) leading zeros, at least to
start with.
So, is there a way I can do this, other than the obvious way of
manually inserting the zeros.

Peter Jamieson

I don't think you can do it with the built-in auto numbering, but if you can
ensure that each paragraph starts with a { SEQ } field,

{ SEQ P \#0000 }

should do the trick. But you don't get the same cross-referencing facilities


I don't think you can do it with the built-in auto numbering, but if you can
ensure that each paragraph starts with a { SEQ } field,

{ SEQ P \#0000 }

should do the trick. But you don't get the same cross-referencing facilities
Thanks, Peter. However, I've never figured out how to use field
codes, and have as much trouble understanding them as I do
understanding Barclay's buying pieces of Lehman Brothers.

Peter Jamieson

1. Yes, it is much harder to use fields on Mac because the keystrokes Word
uses (e.g. F9) are used by Mac OSX software. The articleby Daiya Mitchell
may be useful:

2. Then, to use this technique, you need to use cmd-F9 to insert the special
field braces {}, type the SEQ P \#0000 inside to give you

{ SEQ P \#0000 }

then edit/copy and save that as you will need it at the beginning of every
paragraph you want to number in your 0000-9999 sequence. You could save it
as an Autotext, assign a keystroke, etc. etc.

Then /do not use/ Word's automatic numbering - format the paragraph how you
want and insert the { SEQ } field at the beginning of each one.

You will need to press the "update fields" to update all the SEQ field
results prior to publishing/printing (I don't think you need the separate
"select all fields" on Mac Word).

If you always need extra stuff at the beginning of every paragraph, e.g. you

0001.<tab>your text then you can help maintain consistency using

{ SEQ P \#"0000.<tab>" }

If you need to use different lists, use different list names (e.g.

{ SEQ Q \#"some other format" }

....etc. It's mostly a question of finding the help material on field codes
and applying it.

Peter Jamieson

I don't think you can do it with the built-in auto numbering, but if you
ensure that each paragraph starts with a { SEQ } field,

{ SEQ P \#0000 }

should do the trick. But you don't get the same cross-referencing
Thanks, Peter. However, I've never figured out how to use field
codes, and have as much trouble understanding them as I do
understanding Barclay's buying pieces of Lehman Brothers.

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