adding memory


grace protano

My presentation contains 200 slides and music. It is
very sluggish. How do I add memory to the application
itself. I can do it on a Mac, but on my PC I am not
knowledgeable at all. Also, is there a maximum number of
slides that can be used before it is poorly functional?
Any help would be great.

Don Althaus

Having created PowerPoints for both Mac and PC, I have found the cross
platform capabilities more than somewhat lacking, but this little trick
helps sometimes- If you created your PPT on a Mac, first burn them to a CD
and then copy all the files to the PC hard drive, open it in PowerPoint 2000
or 2002 on the PC and resave it with a different file name- if the original
show is myppt.ppt save the version from the PC as myppt-pc.ppt. This
sometimes helps clear up the sluggisness. Make sure you have all of the
files needed (including linked files) copied into one directory (folder) on
the PC and make sure that if there are any sound clips, they are in a
Windows format. Like I said, it works sometimes.

Steve Rindsberg

Geez, so simple when somebody whacks you over the head with it. Thanks,

Makes perfect sense, really ... if you open a Mac file in PPT/PC, it has to
do a few things to convert to Windows formats, fix up some of the text and
such. If you don't save the file, it has to re-do all the housekeeping
every time you open the file again. Saving it saves the "WinPrettied"


Steve Rindsberg PPT MVP
PPTLive ( ) Featured Speaker

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