Adding Menu Items with VBA using Stencils


Roy Baggies

I have some simple VBA macros that add a new Menu with menu items to Visio
programmatically. These autoload from Document_DocumentOpened() in

All works fine when the VBA macros / forms are included within a specific
Visio .vsd file. I'm now trying to put all the VBA code into a Stencil. I
have created a .vss file with everything in. I open an existing .vsd and then
use File->Shapes->Open Stencil to bring in my VBA macros. These autload and I
see my new Menu, but all Menu items are greyed out. Explicity setting
..enabled=true on the menu items makes no difference. Any ideas??


Generally, in stencil, the key word ThisDocument should be replaced by
For UiObject, it seems there is a bug in AddOnName property in Visio2003.
vsoMenuItem.AddOnName = "AnotherProject.Module1.test" does not work propery,
when you wish to run macro in another project.
There is not this kind of bug in On Action property in Commandbars object.
cbrMenuPopup.OnAction = "AnotherProject!test" works well.
So, if your code uses UiObject object, it may be an idea to replace into
CommandBars object.

Gerald K

This seems to be a bug. There are a few messages that already refer to this
over recent months (search on 'Menu').
One workaround I discovered was to call a Form that then calls the menu
creation routines. Not elegant, but seems to fix the problem.

Cheers, Gerald.

Roy Baggies

Many thanks for replies so far, starting to understand this. But I've tried
both approaches (calling from a form and using the CommandBars object and
still no joy.

When I use the CommandBars object I get similar errors to those already
posted in the thread. Works fine if I run the macros embedded in the Visio
file, but if I separate them out into a Stencil then I seem to lose context
with the OnAction method.

I have the following in my stencil module:

Sub AddMenuToMenuBar()
' Abstract - This procedure gets the active MenuBar from
' Visio and adds a Menu at the end

With Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Controls
With .Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, before:=.Item("Window").Index,
.Caption = "Roy Utilities"
With .Controls.Add
.Caption = "Login Preferences"
.OnAction = ThisDocument.Name & "!ShowLoginDialog"
End With
End With
End With

I've tried ActiveDocument for OnAction as well as just 'ShowLoginDialog'
(also in my stencil module) but no luck .. if I delete OnAction the menu
shows up (and of course does nothing...)



In ".OnAction = ThisDocument.Name & "!ShowLoginDialog"", ActiveDocument.Name
is document name with ".vss" and not a project name. This should be
"ThisDocument.Vbproject.Name". But, this is rejected by the security option.
So the right project name should be written by hand like,
.OnAction = "CorrectProjectName!ShowLoginDialog"

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