adding more pages to a template



I am trying to add more pages to the personal web template
I'm modifying for a community information site. I really
like the appearance of the poetic theme but can't seem to
add the theme to new pages I create. Within this template
there are just 5 pages set up, however I'd like to have
about 8 or 9.


chris leeds

in the folder pane of FrontPage right click a page that is laid out the way
you want. copy and then paste it. put your content on it and then save it
with whatever name you want. if the theme has a button involved you'll need
to switch to "navigation view" and drag this page from the folder pane to
the navigation pane etc.


Vocátional & Technicál Edu®

Something to consider - if you create your pages with tables in tables you
may want to edit / configure your default page with tables and save it
somewhere similar to this; (search for it)
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\1033\Webs\normal.tem\INDEX.HTM"

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original
dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Thank you - Jeff cooking Crawfish & Alligators in New our
fellow citizens once observed, Southerners will be polite until they are
angry enough to kill you.

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