How this is so difference form all the other when you can control from your
reply really!
* Log opened: 2005-11-19T23:40:16Z
* About this log file - MSNMsgr.txt
* MSN Messenger 7.5.0311
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Under MSN Messenger Settings, clear the logging check box, and
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2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8: registering
[06:08:59.517] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {49389679-53DB-46A2-85D5-E3DAE9A0BCD5}
[06:08:59.517] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
[06:08:59.517] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {1C9AA97E-9C05-4583-A3BD-908A196F1E92}
[06:08:59.517] P2PSession CAvatarEUF::Register returns 0x0
[06:08:59.517] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {5E288469-7693-4B64-A8DC-C56648E4397D}
* Log opened: 2005-11-15T06:09:22Z
[06:09:22.460] P2PTransport CP2PBridgeRegistrar::RegisterBridge@01229508:
registering TCPv1
[06:09:22.460] P2PTransport CP2PBridgeRegistrar::RegisterBridge@01229508:
registering TRUDPv1
[06:09:22.460] P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RegisterBridges: >> got
disallowed bridges ''
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {6A13AF9C-5308-4F35-923A-67E8DDA40C2F}
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CP4EUF::Register returns 0x0
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {5D3E02AB-6190-11D3-BBBB-00C04F795683}
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {49389679-53DB-46A2-85D5-E3DAE9A0BCD5}
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {1C9AA97E-9C05-4583-A3BD-908A196F1E92}
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CAvatarEUF::Register returns 0x0
[06:09:22.510] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {5E288469-7693-4B64-A8DC-C56648E4397D}
* Log opened: 2005-11-15T06:09:34Z
[06:09:34.497] P2PTransport CP2PBridgeRegistrar::RegisterBridge@01229508:
registering TCPv1
[06:09:34.497] P2PTransport CP2PBridgeRegistrar::RegisterBridge@01229508:
registering TRUDPv1
[06:09:34.497] P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RegisterBridges: >> got
disallowed bridges ''
[06:09:34.547] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@01229BF8:
registering {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
[06:09:34.547] P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler
Rhian said:
I am trying to put together a consultant database which basically stores
the information about our consultant including, countried they have worked
and skills they have.
As you can imagine, the majority of the them have more than one skill and
have worked in more than one country and so I was wondering how I would
all the countries worked in, into one cell space.
Would I do this by creating another table? If so how I would i creat the
As you can read im pretty clueless so I would be grateful for any
suggestions and help in the simplest terms possible.
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