Adding new appointment by attendee

  • Thread starter Saurabh Aggarwal via
  • Start date

Saurabh Aggarwal via


Consider following scenario:
A - Organizer of meeting
B - Attendee
Now I want to programatically add meeting to the outlook of B using C#.
Meeting should be added in the same manner as if B had pressed accept
button of the appointment request mail sent by A.



Saurabh Aggarwal via

Oh! There is one very important question - can't we just prepare a email
as if it is prepared by the outlook of organizer.
Actually we are maintaining database of all user appointments. When ever
new meeting is added by a user ( ie organizer of meeting) then my plugin
updates that one to the database along the attendee's updates. Now the
plugin at the attendee side finds that there is a meeting request for the
current user (in the database) then it just creates a email as if it is
created by organizer's outlook, plugin needs to click on accept button of
that email.

Please inform me if you are not able to understand the problem



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