Adding New Resource



After I checked out the resource pool, added a new resource...
the Resource Name shows up as blank in PWA.

I ensured that I can modify the resource in both PWA and MS Project 2003
(fat client). It even shows up fine in the DB (MSP_Resources,

Any thoughts?

Marc Soester

Hi Billg

After you have added the resource in the global resource pool and saved it,
did you open up a project went to "build team from Enterprise" and allocated
the new resource to the project team and assigned the resource to a task? Can
you see the resource in the build team from Enterprise dialog box?

When you say that you can modify the resource in PWA where do you want to
modify the resource?


Hi Marc,

Let me clarify. the resource can be viewed, modified and added to a project
in MS Project Pro (fat client) issues. It's only when I look at the
resource in the PWA Resource Tab...that the name comes up as blank (same
RES_ID). In PWA, in the Admin tab (Modify Users & Groups), the Resources name
shows up fine.

My impression is that somehow the Resource Tab's view is pulling the
Resource's name from someplace other than MSP_Resource or MSP_Web_Resource
table, some cached String table or something...not sure.

My objective is to able to correct this problem, and avoid this in the future.

In the meantime, I've simply in-activated the resource and re-added him.
The new resource shows up fine in PWA Resource Tab.


I have exactly the same problem. I added 2 resources on Friday and they are
visible in Project pro in Build Team and in Enterprise Resources. The data
values are all correct and they have a booking type of Proposed. In
PWA/Resources, the names are blank and the booking type is Committed. If I
highlight the resources I can open them in Pro and again, all is correct.

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