The code listed below works well. But I have difficulties to add a new serie
on the chart.
Currently, I have
on the x axis ; SALARY
on the Y axis : NOM
I'd like to add on the X axis a new serie : PREVSALARY. How to add it to the
current chart?
Thanks in advance for your help
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Option Explicit
Response.Expires = -1
Response.ContentType = "image/gif"
on error resume next
nTypeChart = Request.QueryString("nTypeChart")
cbonZoom = Request.QueryString("cbonZoom")
if len(nTypeChart) = 0 then nTypeChart = 3
if len(cbonZoom) = 0 then cbonZoom = 100
Set MySpace = server.CreateObject("OWC10.ChartSpace")
set MyConstants = MySpace.Constants
set MySpace.DataSource = Session("oRs")
MySpace.Border.Color = MyConstants.chColorNone
set MyChart = MySpace.Charts.Add()
MyChart.Type = nTypeChart
MyChart.HasLegend = TRUE
MySpace.DisplayFieldButtons = False
MyChart.SetData MyConstants.chDimSeriesNames, 0, "CURREN"
MyChart.SetData MyConstants.chDimCategories, 0, "NOM"
MyChart.SetData MyConstants.chDimValues, 0, "SALARY"
' Modification de l'axes des ordonnées pour l'axe
with MyChart.Axes(MyConstants.chAxisPositionBottom)
.MajorUnit = 20000
.NumberFormat = "0 000"
end with
MySpace.Charts.Delete 0
If Err.Number=0 Then
x = 500*(cbonZoom/100)
y = 300*(cbonZoom/100)
Response.BinaryWrite MySpace.GetPicture("gif",x, y)
MyImage = Server.MapPath(".") & "\Images\noChart.gif"
Response.BinaryWrite m_objBinaryFile.GetFileBytes(CStr(MyImage))
End IF
The code listed below works well. But I have difficulties to add a new serie
on the chart.
Currently, I have
on the x axis ; SALARY
on the Y axis : NOM
I'd like to add on the X axis a new serie : PREVSALARY. How to add it to the
current chart?
Thanks in advance for your help
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Option Explicit
Response.Expires = -1
Response.ContentType = "image/gif"
on error resume next
nTypeChart = Request.QueryString("nTypeChart")
cbonZoom = Request.QueryString("cbonZoom")
if len(nTypeChart) = 0 then nTypeChart = 3
if len(cbonZoom) = 0 then cbonZoom = 100
Set MySpace = server.CreateObject("OWC10.ChartSpace")
set MyConstants = MySpace.Constants
set MySpace.DataSource = Session("oRs")
MySpace.Border.Color = MyConstants.chColorNone
set MyChart = MySpace.Charts.Add()
MyChart.Type = nTypeChart
MyChart.HasLegend = TRUE
MySpace.DisplayFieldButtons = False
MyChart.SetData MyConstants.chDimSeriesNames, 0, "CURREN"
MyChart.SetData MyConstants.chDimCategories, 0, "NOM"
MyChart.SetData MyConstants.chDimValues, 0, "SALARY"
' Modification de l'axes des ordonnées pour l'axe
with MyChart.Axes(MyConstants.chAxisPositionBottom)
.MajorUnit = 20000
.NumberFormat = "0 000"
end with
MySpace.Charts.Delete 0
If Err.Number=0 Then
x = 500*(cbonZoom/100)
y = 300*(cbonZoom/100)
Response.BinaryWrite MySpace.GetPicture("gif",x, y)
MyImage = Server.MapPath(".") & "\Images\noChart.gif"
Response.BinaryWrite m_objBinaryFile.GetFileBytes(CStr(MyImage))
End IF