Adding on to a formula


Joe Gieder

First, thank you for looking at this and any help you can provide. I use this
formula to get the highest extended cost from a list (kind of like auto
filter but with a formula):
=IF(ROW(1:1)<=ROUND(1*COUNT('Priced BOM'!$T$3:$T$34),0),LARGE('Priced
and was wondering if there is a way to add a second formula to it to
retrieve another piece of data from a different cell but within the same row,
an example being is suppose the highest cost is $128.00 and it's record
number 1200, can I add another formula that will also give me the record

Thanks in advance for the help

Bob Phillips

Is this what you mean?

=IF(ROW(1:1)<=ROUND(1*COUNT('Priced BOM'!$T$3:$T$34),0),
MATCH(LARGE('Priced BOM'!$T$3:$T$34,ROW(1:1)),'Priced BOM'!$T$3:$T$34,0),"")



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Joe Gieder

What I was trying to get is something like this:
Record # Cost

cell s3 1 cell t3 $290.69
cell s4 2 cell t4 $390.69
cell s5 3 cell t5 $596.43
cell s6 4 cell t6 $596.43

result = $596.43 3

=IF(ROW(1:1)<=ROUND(1*COUNT('Priced BOM'!$T$3:$T$34),0),LARGE('Priced
BOM'!$T$3:$T$34,ROW(1:1))( and add another formula to retrieve the record
currently the formula works fine for getting the dollar amount but I can't
seem to figure out how to add the record number.

Sometimes there are the same values under the extended cost column but they
have different record numbers and I need to capture both, that's why using
two different formulas in different cells doesn't work, it always gives me
the first record number.

Thank you for the help

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