Just like in the real world, every object has properties and
Properties describe an object
Methods define actions an object can do
For instance, you are a human and have properties such as
hair color, eye color, height, weight, ... and methods such
as eat, run, jump, ...
In the design view, you can show the property sheet, which
will show informtion for the selected item(s).
Try it!
when you are in the design view, turn on/off the Properties
window --> View, Properties from the menu
and then click on various objects.
You can get help about any property by pressing F1 while
in the property you want more information on.
OnCurrent is an EVENT property (actually METHOD since it is
an action) of the form
To select the form, you may click in the upper left corner
where the rulers intersect or click completely outside the
designed area in the dark gray space. You can also press
CTRL-R or Edit, Select Form.
To build an event, click in the property sheet for the
appropriate object in the appropriate location and then
click the builder (...) button off to the right
Access will provide the procedure declaration and the
procedure end -- you put the lines in between.
Procedures are NAMED according to the object name (except
the form object), so ALWAYS change the NAME property of any
object to something logical.
Explore the property sheet. Get familar with how properties
are grouped on the tabs and the different properties for
different objects.
For general help about Access, I find it interesting and
informative to read the help starting from the beginning of
the Contents. In fact, if you have the desire to print a
ream of paper, it would be good to print it like a book and
read it.
Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006
Have an awesome day
remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com