Hi Chris,
If you mean display the custom popup/shortcut menu, try ShowPopup method.
Application.CommandBars("Custom 1").ShowPopup
Custom 1 is the name of Custom Shortcut Menus;
Steps to create the custom shortcut Menus
1. Start Microsoft Access, and then open the sample database Northwind.mdb
or the sample project NorthwindCS.adp.
2. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Customize.
3. On the Toolbars tab, click New. Name the new toolbar Custom 1.
4. On the Toolbars tab, click Properties.
5. Click Popup in the Type list. Note that you receive an informational
message. Click OK.
6. Click Close in the Toolbar Properties dialog box.
Please feel free to reply to the threads if you have any concerns or
Alick Ye, MCSD
Product Support Services
Microsoft Corporation
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| From: "Chris Kersey" <chris@kerseyglass.com>
| Subject: Adding Popup Menus to forms
| Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 12:49:18 -0700
| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.access.forms
| I would like to enable a popupmenu, but I can't seem to find a menu
| Is there one in access and if so what is it called / where can I find it?
| Thanks,
| Chris