Adding Quantum or Quantity of work to a task.



Hello All,

I have been going silly trying to work this out but there seems to be no way to do this.

I am using Project 2007 and have been trying to assign quantities to each task.

For example.

Task Name - Plastering for Floor 1
Duration - 5 days
Quantity - 20 Sq. M.

This means that the Task "Plastering of Floor 1" has a quantity of 20 Square metres of work to be done in 5 working days.

Resources may then be allocated per Sq.M. of the task instead of to the entire task.

Please let me know if this is even possible.

Many thanks.

Navile Shroff.

Navile Shroff

More than 2 weeks and no response I guess means it can't be done.

The brightest among you seem to be stumped!

Lesley Holman

Op woensdag 19 februari 2014 12:56:19 UTC+1 schreef Navile Shroff:
More than 2 weeks and no response I guess means it can't be done.

The brightest among you seem to be stumped!

Hi Navile,
Resources I think, can only being assigned to taskes (instead of assigning resources to other resources (material work resources).

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