Adding rows in Excel Similar to Access



In Access datasheet view, as you type data into your form and get to the end
of a row, a new row is added to allow the next record to be added. How would
I code excel to add rows as needed as the previous record is completed?

Also, I have information that I need to repeat automaticaly without user
intervention. On the first sheet I must list all the buildings at a location
including their street address (the address may be repeated several times).
On the next two sheets, I only need to list the addresses not the individual
buildings. How do i pull the unique records forward programatically (again
without having to train users how to copy and paste unique records).

Jim Thomlinson

You have 2 question. In response to the first question adding rows as data is
entered. Have you tried Data -> Form It works in a pinch. If you need
something more robust then you can either code your own form or check this

As for your second question I need more info in order to comment. Are you
trying to copy unique records or ???


2nd Scenario Works like this:
On sheet1 - Bldg1||123 Main St||City ||ST||zip
Bldg2||123 Main St||City ||ST||zip
Bldg3||123 Main St||City ||ST||zip
Bldg1||456 Elm Ave||City ||ST||zip
Bldg2||456 Elm Ave||City ||ST||zip

On sheet2 & 3 I only need:
123 Main St||City ||ST||zip
456 Elm Ave||City ||ST||zip
Does that help?

About the dataform: Do you set a range to include the added items or just
give the form a starting point and it adds rows as needed? Some accounts have
1 or 2 locations, others have 60-80. Would I need to set the upper limit of
rows necessary?
Thanks for the help.

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