Adding Rows in Excel Spreadsheets



I have a spreadsheet that was originally created using Excel2000. I
have moved the spreadsheet to a new workstation where I have
Excel2007. The spreadsheet has 6 sheets(tabs) in it. Until recently,
it worked just as expected.

Recently, when working on the spreadsheet using Excel2007 (saved in
compatibility mode as a xls file), I have been unable to add a row.
When I try, Excel gives me this nasty gram "Cannot shift objects off

Using "save as" to save the spreadsheet as a xlsx file does not help.

I have thought of the presence of garbage on the bottom rows. I have
tried deleting all columns to the right of any occupied cell &
deleting all columns below any occupied cell. This does not help.

If the file is saved as a xls file, the largest cell is IV65536.

If the file is saved as a xlsx file, the largest cell is XFD1048576.
This seems strange because the Excel help file says the max column is

There is only 1 thing that works, but that is a mere work around. If
the file is saved as a xls file, I can copy it to an old PC with
Excel2000. There I can open th worksheet & add the desired rows.
Then, copy back to the new workstation & open with Excel2007. The
added rows are present where I want. This is strange. I'd appreciate
any help that can be provided.

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