Hi Joe,
Is it possible to allow a user to expand a table (add
rows) while the document is protected?
I usually save such as row as an AutoText entry, then use a
macro (attached to a toolbar button) to:
- unprotect
- insert the AutoText entry
- reprotect
Things can get a bit more complicated if you need to use
form field names in calculations. But if you only need this
basic bit you can put together the macro fairly easily.
- record inserting the AutoText entry (over
Insert/AutoText/AutoText) in a macro
- Go to my website and get the basic code to
unprotect/reprotect without losing user input
- Put this code "around" the steps you recorded
- Assign it to a toolbar button saved in the form template
(or document)
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update
Sep 30 2003)
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