adding text to a sumproduct formula



I have a sumproduct formula which I'd like to also display a percentage of the
total in the same cell. The formula is
If the result of this formula is 10 and the total for all the sumproduct formulas
in the same column is 100, the cell would display "10 (10%)" less the quotes
I've tried use "&" but my attempts either return an error or an empty cell. The
cell is located at F2 (for example) and the total is located at E50. Any ideas?

Jonathan Cooper

You need to convert the result of your formula into text. Once you do that, you can concatenate

For example

=TEXT(SUMPRODUCT(--(LEFT(C2:C8,4)="S.F."),E2:E8)+SUMPRODUCT(--(LEFT(C2:C8,4)<>"S.F."),D2:D8),"0")&" (10)

----- Andy wrote: ----

I have a sumproduct formula which I'd like to also display a percentage of th
total in the same cell. The formula i
If the result of this formula is 10 and the total for all the sumproduct formula
in the same column is 100, the cell would display "10 (10%)" less the quote
I've tried use "&" but my attempts either return an error or an empty cell. Th
cell is located at F2 (for example) and the total is located at E50. Any ideas


Thanks Jonathan. Your suggestion led me to the solution so thank you. I used
the value function as I needed to manipulate the returned amount. This next line
is what I came up with and it works (just to close the thread for future searches
if any)

:C8,4)<>"S.F."),D2:D8))/TotalCost)*100, 1)&")"

Jonathan Cooper said:
You need to convert the result of your formula into text. Once you do that, you can concatenate.

For example,

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