Adding text to a text file using an inputbox



Hello everyone,

I have an inputbox in VBScript, where the user inputs a location of a
file. If possible I'd like the info they enter to be added to a text
file. Any ideas?



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Robin Hammond

This is in VB script from an ASP page. You need windows scripting installed,
but you must have that to have posed the question.

Dim fso, f,strfile
strfile = "Path to your file here"

Set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f = fso.opentextfile(strfile,8,true)
f.writeline "Your text here from the text box"

Harald Staff

Sub AddText()
Dim S As String
Dim i As Integer
S = InputBox("Now what")
If S <> "" Then
i = FreeFile
Open "C:\Temp\MyLogg.txt" For Append As #i
Print #i, S
Close #i
End If
End Sub

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