Adding text to Seq numbering



Is it possible to add text before a seq number? I need the following:

Tab 1

I want to add the word Tab to the seq number. I know I can use
Outline or Heading numbering and customize...would prefer to use seq
numbering. There must be a way to add text before or after the
number. If not, I know that I can type "Tab" and then insert the seq
number. Just wondering if it were possible.

Thanks in advance :)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You could use Tab as a caption label. See Insert | Caption or Insert |
Reference | Caption (captions use SEQ fields).

Stefan Blom

You can use the numeric picture switch \# to include text with SEQ
numbers. The entire formatting instruction should be surrounded with
double quotes, and the display text should be surrounded by single
quotes. For example, the following SEQ field code:

{ SEQ typeseqnamehere \# "'Type your text here' #" }

would produce numbers such as:

Type your text here 1
Type your text here 2
Type your text here 3

and so on.

Note that the list delimiters { } cannot be inserted by typing from
the keyboard. Instead, you must use CTRL+F9.

Also note that SEQ fields must be updated, if you want to ensure that
the correct numbers display in your document (this will be especially
apparent if you create a new field by copying an existing one). In
order to update field display, select the document and press F9. SEQ
fields do update automatically when you print or print preview.

Use ALT+F9 to switch between showing field results and field codes for
all fields in a document. Use SHIFT+F9 to do the same for the current

Stefan Blom

Unfortunately it only works with Arabic numbers. If you want (say) an
a, b, c... format, and you want to keep static text and the SEQuence
together as a field, you'll have to use a QUOTE field with a nested
SEQ field, such as:

{ QUOTE "Text before " { SEQ test \* alphabetic } " Text after" }

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