Adding text to Text box




How can we add text to a text box(not a form field) drawn
(using insert>textbox) on a word document using vba.

Any kind of help is welcome.



Peter Hewett

Hi mlsrinivas

I'm assuming you want to update TextBoxes that already exist, not create new
TextBoxes. Here's some code that should help:

Public Sub AddTextToTextBox()
Dim shrItem As Word.Shape
Dim lngShape As Long

' Iterate all Shapes in the ShapeRange object
With ActiveDocument.Range.ShapeRange
For lngShape = 1 To .Count
Set shrItem = .Item(lngShape)

' We're only interested in TextBoxes
If shrItem.Type = msoTextBox Then
shrItem.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "hello world"
End If
End With
End Sub

Note: Shapes can be grouped, this code wont update a grouped TextBox. You may
need to identify a specific TextBox (otherwise how do you know which TextBox
you're stuffing text into?). The easiest way to do this is to set the shapes
name, something like this:

ActiveDocument.Range.ShapeRange(1).Name = "TB_Name"

HTH + Cheers - Peter

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