Adding time to multiple cells using TIMECODE




I have a spreadsheet with a custom field called TIMECODE that i hav
downloaded. It basically means i can annotate what happens during

00:01:02 where the fields between : are hours, minutes, seconds

If I have a whole load of these in a column, how can i easily ad
00:00:08 to each one... ie add 8 seconds to each cell....

Need help quickly!!

Peo Sjoblom

I don't know what TIMECODE is but if you have a numeric time value that Excel
sees as time you can put


in an empty cell

press enter, copy the cell, select the timevalues and do edit>paste special
and select add, reformat as time again (it will be decimal values when you do
this so you need to format it as time again)

Or you can use a help column and



Peo Sjoblom

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