Adding TOC Headings to Header



(Word 2007)
I'm creating a 150+ page document with about 6 levels of headings. I want
the heading for every page to appear in the Header without having to manually
type it in. Is there a way to do this? I sure hope so.

So the header would look something like this if I was viewing a level 4
Header Page:

Please - There's got to be a way to do this.


Stefan Blom

There is no built-in way to do what you are asking for.

What you can do is insert a STYLEREF field in the header in order to display
the current heading at a particular level, for example, the current Heading

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP



Seems like such an easy feature to add and very useful for us people that
make huge Word docs.... :-(

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, the StyleRef field *is* a feature and is relatively easy to use.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA


Unfortunately the docs I write are living docs that constantly get updated.
Doing this for 150 pages, then if I update page 5 with new content, now I
must update the 145 pages that follow page 5.

I appreciate the suggestion though.

I looked at the following page, which i think is yours Suzan, and understand
the styleref, but I don't think it works in my situation unless I'm not
understanding things clearly. Plus, why not just type in the heading info?
Seams easier than clicking around in menus to get the heading info in there.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you put StyleRef fields in the header, they will reflect all changes on
the page; that's what they're for. The whole point of a header is to put the
same information on every page; the whole point of StyleRef is to allow that
"same" information to change dynamically.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

PamC via

You put the field into the header once and Word checks for the headers on the
page and puts in the information into the header. And do you realize that
you can create a StyleRef for each heading level you want and place them one
after the other? Something like

{ STYLEREF "Heading 1" } / { STYLEREF "Heading 2" } / etc.

Try it and let us know.

If you put StyleRef fields in the header, they will reflect all changes on
the page; that's what they're for. The whole point of a header is to put the
same information on every page; the whole point of StyleRef is to allow that
"same" information to change dynamically.
Unfortunately the docs I write are living docs that constantly get
[quoted text clipped - 50 lines]



I'll look into it more and report back with questions or hopefully a big



YES!!!! It's doing what I want it to do now. I didn't see your message
PamC until after I looked into it more, but yes, it is possible...

I tried the { STYLEREF "Heading1" } Didn't work, user error I'm sure.
Maybe I forgot the quotes. Insterting the Syleref through the menus worked
wondefully though. Now I see some formatting inconsistencies... haha
That's another question for another thread though.

Thank you so much Suzanne and PamC!!!!


PamC via said:
You put the field into the header once and Word checks for the headers on the
page and puts in the information into the header. And do you realize that
you can create a StyleRef for each heading level you want and place them one
after the other? Something like

{ STYLEREF "Heading 1" } / { STYLEREF "Heading 2" } / etc.

Try it and let us know.

If you put StyleRef fields in the header, they will reflect all changes on
the page; that's what they're for. The whole point of a header is to put the
same information on every page; the whole point of StyleRef is to allow that
"same" information to change dynamically.
Unfortunately the docs I write are living docs that constantly get
[quoted text clipped - 50 lines]

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Glad you got it working.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

mglmstr said:
YES!!!! It's doing what I want it to do now. I didn't see your message
PamC until after I looked into it more, but yes, it is possible...

I tried the { STYLEREF "Heading1" } Didn't work, user error I'm sure.
Maybe I forgot the quotes. Insterting the Syleref through the menus
wondefully though. Now I see some formatting inconsistencies... haha
That's another question for another thread though.

Thank you so much Suzanne and PamC!!!!


PamC via said:
You put the field into the header once and Word checks for the headers on
page and puts in the information into the header. And do you realize
you can create a StyleRef for each heading level you want and place them
after the other? Something like

{ STYLEREF "Heading 1" } / { STYLEREF "Heading 2" } / etc.

Try it and let us know.

If you put StyleRef fields in the header, they will reflect all changes
the page; that's what they're for. The whole point of a header is to put
same information on every page; the whole point of StyleRef is to allow
"same" information to change dynamically.

Unfortunately the docs I write are living docs that constantly get
[quoted text clipped - 50 lines]

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