Adding two values



I have a question about the following code,

Dim ans

On Error Resume Next

ans = Application.Match(CLng(Label1.Caption), Range("A:A"), 0)
If Not IsError(ans) Then
Application.Index(Range("B:B"), ans) = Label2.Caption +

MsgBox "Invalid code"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
What I am trying to achieve is with the Application.Index line
How do I get the two values to add together I have tested the code and it
puts the figures where they should go but what i am trying to make happen is
if the cell already has value in it.

i.e. the cell has 2 in it already and label2 has the value of 5 i want i to
show 7 in the cell.

I believe the following line is the problem

= Label2.Caption + ActiveCell.Value





Ive had the same problem before trying to sum a caption, the workaround
I use is to have a textbox on the egde of the form where it cannot be
seen, send the value to the textbox and sum the textbox then remove the
data again to the caption.

long winded but I dont know if you can sum a caption.




Hi Greg,

Just pass the value of the label to a variable and then add that to the
activecell see code below. I think the problem you were having is that
a caption is a string not a value.

Dim ans
Dim lbl2 as interger

On Error Resume Next

ans = Application.Match(CLng(Label1.Caption), Range("A:A"), 0)
If Not IsError(ans) Then
lbl2 = cint(Label2.Caption)
Application.Index(Range("B:B"), ans) = lbl2 + ActiveCell.Value

MsgBox "Invalid code"
End If
On Error GoTo 0

This is untested code. Cint converts the caption to an interger.

Any problems then post back.


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