Hi Pete,
Thanks for the quick response, I have tried formatting the cell as [h]:mm:ss
or [hh]:mm:ss and using the formula =SUM(H10:H40) but still get 0:00
returned. I have also tried =H10+h11+h12... with no luck.
I am sure I must be missing something simple but have been staring atit so
long my mind is going blank

Do you know of any other ways to add a list of times?
You should EITHER use the formula:
and apply the custom format [h]:mm:ss to the cell if you want to
display the result like that and keep the total in Excel time format,
OR if you use the formula:
this will convert the result into (decimal) hours, so you need to
apply the format of Number with, say, 2 dp. With this formula and
format, an answer of, say, 26 hours and 45 minutes will be displayed
as 26.75.
Hope this helps.
I seem to be having the same problem as Fly Boy Five, I have a list of times
(the cells are custom formatted as hh:mm) and need to add them upto give me
a monthly total. I have followed the help in excel 2002 and used the formula
=Sum(H10:h40)*24 and formated the cell to hh:mm to give me a total in cell
h41 but it only returns as 00:00. After reading the posts on thisthread I
have tried different formats on the total cell but can not seem to get it to
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance
Fly Boy Five,
Simply use =SUM(A1:A21) and format the cell as Custom format [h]:mm
In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings
(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed) with @tiscali.co.uk
I'm trying to add a column of hrs and minutes. I tried to use the
=sum(a1:a21,"h:mm") Don't work
What do you suggest?
Thanks Fly Boy Five
I need to add up a list of hour and minutes, the only problem being is
Excel treats them as TIME not hours and minutes.
For example, if I sum 7:24, 7:24 , 7:24, 7:24 [ where 7 = hours and 24 =
minutes ] then Excel five me an answer of 05:36 rather than 29.36 - any
how I get this working ?
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