tblRecord is for project creation and has a primary key known as JobNo. There
can be only 1 project at one time hence this is the one table. I have 7
fields in this table to clock the total hours for each engineer(7 engineers)
for each project.
So if a new project is started which needs nine engineers you'll... what?
Restructure your table, rewrite all your queries, redesign all your forms,
redesign all your reports? OUCH!!
You're using a relational database as if it were a spreadsheet. That's a very
common mistake, especially for people who come to Access from an Excel
background... but it *is* a mistake. See below.
tblUpdate is many table(common field JobNo) as it is for updating the status
of Each visit of the project as there can be many visits to the clients place
and thus the individual manhours of the engineers are clocked here in the 7
fields for 7 engineers for each visit.
And you want to DESTROY the information about each visit, and record only the
total? What if there's an error in one of the manhours values? If you record
only the sum, how will you ever figure out where the error was?
I require the manhours fields in tblRecord to be the sum of all the manhours
of each all visits under the same project. I know it can be queried, and that
the fields in the tblRecord table is extra, but my knowledge in access/coding
is limited to the 1st few chapters of the dummies guide so i think i want the
value to be stored value so that it is easier for me to reference it in the
later stages for some other calculation or to just export 1 table without the
need to look at the tblUpdate. I would also need to sum the whole column of
the 7 stored totals in the tblRecord and i dunt know how to sum a column of
You need to learn about "Normalization". Each type of Entity - real-life
person, thing, or event, such as an Engineer, a Job, a Visit, a Project -
needs *its own table*. I don't know your business, but I could imagine tables
EngID <autonumber primary key>
<other biogrphical data>
ProjectNo <Primary Key>
<other info about the project as an entity>
VisitID <Autonumber primary key>
ProjectNo <link to Projects>
EngID <link to Engineers, who worked on the project this visit>
VisitDate <Date/Time>
Purpose <text, why was Florence Ambrose there that day>
Hours <how long did she work>
<other info about this visit>
You would use Totals Queries to sum the values, grouping by project and/or by
The Dummies book is, from what I've seen, pretty good at teaching how to *use*
an existing Access app. It's not intended, nor is it adequate, for scaling the
rather steep learning curve to actually designing and implementing a new
Access app! And in this case, it's led you down a wrong path. See some of the
resources at:
Jeff Conrad's resources page:
The Access Web resources page:
A free tutorial written by Crystal (MS Access MVP):
MVP Allen Browne's tutorials: