adding vlookup values in a macro



I am a little rusty with the creation of macros and hope someone might
be able to give me a hand.
I have a sheet with 45 of so tabs of data and i need to roll the data
into one summary sheet at the beginning of the workbook.
For example, I have the account code "5010" that exists in column B
in each of my sheets. then column L on the same row shows the number
that i need for the summary. so in the summary sheet i know to type in
I also know how to manually compile these using the same formula over
and over again, to complete the full workbook of data

what i would like to be able to do, however, is the someway create a
marco that would run through each sheet and get the 5010 value from
all 45 sheets without having to manually add them together with a

Thank you

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