Addins.Add takes FOREVER



Issuing the following calls in a Word macro

fSpecTemplate = c:\Test\
Addins.Add FileName:=fSpecTemplate, Install:=Tru

The Addins.Add call takes a good 20 seconds to run on a client's machine (but not any of mine). After this long delay, the call is successful and the Addin object is established. The following is true

1. The template exists and the path exists
2. The template is signed with a valid digital signature
3. The client's machine is "locked down" with some sort of group policy implementation (details unknown)

On rare (and random) occasions, the Addins.Add call fails with an error 5174 "Cannot find the file"

Any suggestions on how to get rid of the delay (and occasional error)

Thanks much.

Word Heretic

G'day "ChickenDog" <[email protected]>,

Probabilities suggest they have network paths in their file locations
or the template involves a spurious reference to either the template
that it was based on or some vba module

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

ChickenDog reckoned:

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