addit transitions



hi all
I am bored with the transitions that ms powerpoint provide.
Is there a way that I can import transitions from another
program into pp.
For example.....ProShow has excellent
is possible to get some of these in ppoint.
If not.....what else can be done.
How do I make my own...etc etc

all ideas and help appreciated

Glen Millar


You can't import any, but if you have XP, there is a huge range available.
You can even fool PowerPoint into making some transitions look customised.


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here


Sure Karl, PowerPoint can do anything but stay audio/slide synced. (ok, it
may have some minor problems with some other trivial stuff, too)

But, I should warn you, it isn't quick or easy....

- Open your slide presentation in PowerPoint
- Advance to the slide you want to special transition
- Take a .PNG snapshot of the end of a slide's animation sequences
- Change the transition settings to 'No Tranistion'
- Advance to the next slide
- Take another snapshot of the beginning of the next slide

- Change your focus to the 'other' software
- Import the two .PNG snapshots
- Set up the transition between them
- Play with the timing, etc.
- Record an .AVI of the transition (Camtasia, etc.)

- Change back to PowerPoint
- Insert the .AVI file, full screen, over everything in the second slide
- Set the .AVI to auto run on slide entrance
- Set the .AVI to hide after shown.
- Save it

The net effect is that when in PowerPoint you hit the advance key, the slide
changes immediately to the second slide. The second slide shows an exact
copy of the first slide as the beginning of the .AVI movie Because of this,
the slide change is not noticed by the audience. The .AVI runs your capture
of the new transition, changing (with exceptional flare and style) to the
beginning of the 2nd slide. This impresses your boss, makes your peers go
wild, and convinces the cute redheaded intern to go out with you tomorrow
night. The .AVI, when it is done, disappears, but this is not noticed by
anyone (including the intern) because it reveals the exact same image (of
the beginning of the 2nd slide).

This is basically the same process that CrystalGraphics utilizes in some
modes, but when done manually, it is a little more time consuming to set-up.
You could automate some of the steps, I suppose, but it would still take a
lot of set-up and be very inflexible to unplanned changes in the

Are you really sure you need these extra transitions?


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