Additems from one listbox with multiple columns to another



Hello All,

I am trying to add selected items from one listbox to another on the same
form. I get this error when running the code below: Run-time error '381':
Could not set the list property. Invalid property array index.

Here's the code: Where the form is frm_billing_screen, the listbox that I
want to retrieve data from is lst_bs_school and the listbox that I want to
additems to is lst_bs_bm. lst_bs_school has a rowsource, but the other does
not. I'm hoping you're not going to tell me that I can't use the rowsource
property for the one listbox.

With frm_billing_screen
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To .lst_bs_school.ListCount - 1

..lst_bs_bm.ColumnCount = 6
..lst_bs_bm.ColumnWidths = "49.95 pt;75 pt;60 pt;49.95 pt;40 pt;100 pt"

If .lst_bs_school.Selected(x) = True Then
..lst_bs_bm.AddItem .lst_bs_school.List(x, 0)
..lst_bs_bm.List(x, 2) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 1)
..lst_bs_bm.List(x, 3) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 2)
..lst_bs_bm.List(x, 4) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 3)
..lst_bs_bm.List(x, 5) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 4)
..lst_bs_bm.List(x, 6) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 5)
..lst_bs_school.Selected(x) = False
End If
End With


Dave Peterson

Maybe you assigned a .list in code or while you were designing the form.

I'd add one more line:

..lst_bs_bm.list = "" '<-- Added


Hi David,

Dave Peterson said:
Maybe you assigned a .list in code or while you were designing the form.

I'd add one more line:

..lst_bs_bm.list = "" '<-- Added

I tried as you suggested. Checked over the rest of my code and the listbox
properties, but didn't see anything.
I received the same error as before but with: ..lst_bs_bm.list="". Took it
out and tried again, but still the same error on the same line:
..lst_bs_bm.List(x, 2) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 1)

If I take out all the entries other than additem (.list..), it adds as it
should but only in the 1st column (out of 6).

Thank you, your advice is always appreciated.

Dave Peterson

What line causes the error?

I didn't notice this before, but I think you'll want to change this portion:

If .lst_bs_school.Selected(x) = True Then
.lst_bs_bm.AddItem .lst_bs_school.List(x, 0)
.lst_bs_bm.List(.lst_bs_bm.listcount-1, 2) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 1)
.lst_bs_bm.List(.lst_bs_bm.listcount-1, 3) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 2)
.lst_bs_bm.List(.lst_bs_bm.listcount-1, 4) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 3)
.lst_bs_bm.List(.lst_bs_bm.listcount-1, 5) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 4)
.lst_bs_bm.List(.lst_bs_bm.listcount-1, 6) = .lst_bs_school.List(x, 5)
'.lst_bs_school.Selected(x) = False
End If

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