addition error code is 1E+05. What does that mean?



I am adding one cell and a cell from a worksheet within a file and the error
code is 1E=05. Everything else works out but this one cell that is carrying
over. Any thoughts on what this means?

Jim Thomlinson

What makes you think it is an error code and not just the correct number
shown in scientific notation. Try reformatting the number to a more common
number format...

Gord Dibben

That is not an error, it is just that Excel decided to use Scientific

Probably due to the length of the number.

Try changing format to "number".

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Chris Van Nuys

Jojo: As the other said, that's a large number displayed in Scientific

Right click on the column in which you want to see your numbers formatted
properly, and click on the option "Format Cells..."

On the "Number" tab that pops up, and under "Category", select "Number"
format ... you can then choose to have decimals or not.

This should fix your problem.

Here is essentially the dialog box you are looking for: Format cells.jpg

Hope this helps you :)
Best of Luck!,

Chris Van Nuys

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