I am using Access 2003 for archaeological analysis. I have two groups of
pottery that really should be lumped into one group, but from the beginning
of the field season, they were separated. The only way I can think of around
this currently is to enter each, which is unncecessary, and create a query to
sum them in a new column. If I have 100 potsherds of type A and 23 of type B,
is there a way simply to enter 100 + 23 to have the total 123 calculate in
the field? The other option is to calculate as I go, and that is getting very
time-consuming. I can't use an OCR scanner to help on this project, either,
because reports are hand-written and not easily recognized by OCR.
pottery that really should be lumped into one group, but from the beginning
of the field season, they were separated. The only way I can think of around
this currently is to enter each, which is unncecessary, and create a query to
sum them in a new column. If I have 100 potsherds of type A and 23 of type B,
is there a way simply to enter 100 + 23 to have the total 123 calculate in
the field? The other option is to calculate as I go, and that is getting very
time-consuming. I can't use an OCR scanner to help on this project, either,
because reports are hand-written and not easily recognized by OCR.