Addition on the Main Form from two subforms



I have a main Form which contains two subforms and I want to total the
amounts entered in text boxes in these two forms on the main form.

So in order to achieve the reqd. result I put a text box on my Main form and
added the two, Text49 and CA_2007 by using the following expression

But the problem I run into is if either of these (Text49 and CA_2007) field
on the subform have a null value i.e. nothing even though the other might
have an amount my Total shows up as empty.

Text49 = empty
CA_2007 = 5000
Total = empty

Is there a way to show the value in my Total even if one of the subform
fields is empty.


Use the Null to Zero function


Allen Browne

Use Nz() to indicate you want a zero for Null, i.e.:
=Nz(c_PM_QtySum_subform.Form!Text49, 0) +
Nz(d_PM_CA_Entry_subform.Form!CA_2007, 0)

That should work unless there are no records in the subform and none can be
added, in which case it goes completely blank and referring to the
non-existent text box generates an error.


Thanks for the advice I think Dennis had the same expression. But I think you
might have hit the nail on the head as:

"That should work unless there are no records in the subform and none can be
added, in which case it goes completely blank and referring to the
non-existent text box generates an error."

I think that is what is happening, is there a way to get over this given if
either of the subform field are completely blank?


Allen Browne

This kind of thing should do it:

=IIf([c_PM_QtySum_subform].[Form].[RecordsetClone].[RecordCount] = 0, 0,
Nz(c_PM_QtySum_subform.Form!Text49, 0)) + ...

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