Additional data attached to a document



Having realised that documents produced using Word carry with them lots of
other info (such as 'ignored' words so that the user is not asked again when
spell checking is run), I am wondering if this apparently invisible data can
be rendered visible and even edited. Is there some way of displaying data
additional to the text?

Cindy M.

Hi Aalaan,
Having realised that documents produced using Word carry with them lots of
other info (such as 'ignored' words so that the user is not asked again when
spell checking is run), I am wondering if this apparently invisible data can
be rendered visible and even edited. Is there some way of displaying data
additional to the text?
The only way I know would be to save the file in the full HTML file format
("save as web page") or, in Word 2003, as an XML document. Then open the file
in a text editor (or turn on "Confirm conversions on open" in
Tools/Options/General and choose to open as plain text in Word) and look at the
information in the "tags". It would all be there, but not necessarily easy to
find and recognize right off the bat.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Thanks. And I've also since discovered SHIFT-F1, which reveals some of the
info I would like to see.

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