additional detail section??



Assume 2 tables Parts and Labor.
Kind of like:
Id QTY Part# Cost and Id QTY Task
What I'm trying to accomplish is a report that picks a
customer by Id calculates Parts.Qty * Parts.Cost as
Total_Parts and then calculates LaborQTY * Labor_Rate as
I need the report to irritate thru the detail section
once for the parts SQL and again for the Labor SQL

At this point I have make a report for Parts and one for
Labor and then dropped them on one report(container);
however this causes an additional problem of having to
enter the Id parameter twice to view or print it

Any direction or help will be greatly appreciated.

Larry Linson

Try using as your Report's RecordSource a Query that includes two Totals
Queries, joined on Customer ID.

If there's need for followup or clarification, please do so here in the
newsgroup, not by e-mail.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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