Address Book Record Count


Steven Green

I have found a discrepancy between the number of contacts (997) in my
Entourage Contacts (Entourage 2008 on an iMac) and the Apple Address Book
(995) contacts. Sorting convention differences between the two doesn't give
me a side by side list to do a record by record comparison. The address
book gives me the same list that my phone has but the alphabetical list (by
name) doesn't provide the same sort. I have many of my records listed as
Company name only. For example in my phone the first record is AAA and this
matched the Apple Address Book, but the first record in Entourage Contacts
is Mike Ball SCUBA. Regardless of how I sort Entourage I can't get the list
to start with AAA.

Is there an easy way to do an export, say into excel, that would let me
compare the two data sets side by side to find the two records that don't
seem to match?


Dan Dixon

If you have any groups in Entourage, they are included in the count. You can
check this by sorting addresses by the "Contact Type" column in reverse
order (be sure the column is checked in the "View Options" menu). The groups
will appear at the top of the list.


Steven Green

Dan thanks for the suggestion on sorting the records in Entourage Contacts.
I have two groups and it solved my discrepancy between the two databases.


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