chris segraves
When viewing Address Cards - Accounts in Business
Contacts, I can no longer open Account form. An error
message window reads: "The custom form could not be
opened. Outlook will use an Outlook form instead. The
form required to view this message cannot be displayed.
Contact your administrator." After clicking "OK" on
previous error message a new error window reads: "Array
index out of bounds." After clicking "OK" a different
Contact Form opens up. This just started after having 43
Accounts documented with 105 contacts. WHY IS THIS
Contacts, I can no longer open Account form. An error
message window reads: "The custom form could not be
opened. Outlook will use an Outlook form instead. The
form required to view this message cannot be displayed.
Contact your administrator." After clicking "OK" on
previous error message a new error window reads: "Array
index out of bounds." After clicking "OK" a different
Contact Form opens up. This just started after having 43
Accounts documented with 105 contacts. WHY IS THIS