address labels joining up on database



I have typed hundreds of address labels in word and printed them, I need to
urgently transfer the addresses onto a table/database. I have tried the help
but cannot figure it out. Can anyone help, with easy to follow answers please

John Nurick

More information is needed to give you a useful answer. In particular,

1) Is each "label" a cell in a Word table? If not, exactly how is the
Word document laid out?

2) Does every label have exactly the same number and sequence or lines,
FirstName LastName
Number Street
City State Postcode
or are there *any* variations such as middle names, company or building
names, international adddresses, labels that are addressed to two people
rather than one?

3) For what purpose do you need to get the names and addresses into a
database? Do you need to be able to sort or select the labels in any
particular manner? Is the structure of the database already fixed, or
are you free to decide it?


John Nurick said:
More information is needed to give you a useful answer. In particular,

1) Is each "label" a cell in a Word table? If not, exactly how is the
Word document laid out?

2) Does every label have exactly the same number and sequence or lines,
FirstName LastName
Number Street
City State Postcode
or are there *any* variations such as middle names, company or building
names, international adddresses, labels that are addressed to two people
rather than one?

3) For what purpose do you need to get the names and addresses into a
database? Do you need to be able to sort or select the labels in any
particular manner? Is the structure of the database already fixed, or
are you free to decide it?
John Hi

I have made my own template in word for the address labels and the first
line is the title(Mr) first name(c or carol) surname(Brown) on the first
line, then the address, town and post code, I try to keep the name and
address to 4 lines to ensure they fit to the label when I print them. I want
to be able to type the names and addresses onto the labels then the addresses
automatically transfer to a database, I do not want to type the same name and
addresses twice. I have been asked to do a table with all the names and
addresses on for future reference or incase we need to do another mailing to
the same people. Hope you can help thanx


John Nurick said:
More information is needed to give you a useful answer. In particular,

1) Is each "label" a cell in a Word table? If not, exactly how is the
Word document laid out?

2) Does every label have exactly the same number and sequence or lines,
FirstName LastName
Number Street
City State Postcode
or are there *any* variations such as middle names, company or building
names, international adddresses, labels that are addressed to two people
rather than one?

3) For what purpose do you need to get the names and addresses into a
database? Do you need to be able to sort or select the labels in any
particular manner? Is the structure of the database already fixed, or
are you free to decide it?

John this is my layout of my labels (14 per page, 2 labels across the page)
Mr John Bloggs
23 The Home, Hall Ings


J Bloggs
23 The Home
Hall Ings
Bradford BD1 3EH

I try to keep to 4 lines so that the address will fit ok on the address label

Michael J. Strickland

pindersheath said:
I have typed hundreds of address labels in word and printed them, I need to
urgently transfer the addresses onto a table/database. I have tried the
but cannot figure it out. Can anyone help, with easy to follow answers

First, back up your file.

If you have a blank line between the addresses:

In MS Word, Create a tab-delimited file as follows:

1. Replace (Alt-H) all ^p^p with $$$.
(repeat this step until there no more replacements are made).
2. Replace all ^p with ^t.
3. Replace all $$$ with ^p
4. Save the file as a text file (*.txt).

In Access:

Use the Import Wizard to import the tab-delimited file.


John Nurick

John Hi

I have made my own template in word for the address labels and the first
line is the title(Mr) first name(c or carol) surname(Brown) on the first
line, then the address, town and post code, I try to keep the name and
address to 4 lines to ensure they fit to the label when I print them.

You say you "try to keep them to 4 lines": does that mean that they are
all exactly 4 lines, or that some of them are longer? This is a trivial
matter when you're typing addresses (UK addresses especially) into Word,
but it's a major issue when you're trying to import them from Word into
a database table. Please give a detailed answer.
I want
to be able to type the names and addresses onto the labels then the addresses
automatically transfer to a database,

That is not practical. It will be possible, with some combination of
manual reformatting and programming, to *import* the existing names and
addresses into a database in a form that will allow them to be re-used -
but if you want to enter additional names and addresses you will need to
enter them into the database.
I do not want to type the same name and
addresses twice. I have been asked to do a table with all the names and
addresses on for future reference or incase we need to do another mailing to
the same people. Hope you can help thanx

Do you (A) just need to get the names and addresses into a table (any
old table), or do you (B) want to get them into a table with separate
fields for (e.g.)
Street address
Post Town

John this is my layout of my labels (14 per page, 2 labels across the page)
Mr John Bloggs
23 The Home, Hall Ings


J Bloggs
23 The Home
Hall Ings
Bradford BD1 3EH

I try to keep to 4 lines so that the address will fit ok on the address label

If *every* label has exactly 4 lines, it will be easy to get the names
and addresses into a table structured like this
Person (Mr Joe Bloggs)

But it's much more work to split one line into two or more items -
especially when the same field may appear on different lines in
different records (as the post town does in your example).

Unless you want to get into heavy programming, the best approach is to
work in Word on a cop of your document, and use a succession of search
and replace operations plus some manual work, to get to the point where
each label contains exactly the same number of lines (with blank lines
for any missing items) and each line corresponds to one field in the
database table you want to end up with, e.g.

Mr (Title)
Joe (FirstName)
Bloggs (Surname)
23 The Home (Address1)
Hall Ings (Address2)
Bradford (PostTown)
BD1 3EH (Postcode)

You can then use cut-and-paste to convert your present 2-column table
into a 1-column 1. After that, use Table|Convert Table to Text... to
convert the table to text. Then use more search-and-replace (as
suggested by Michael Strickland in this thread) to convert each record
to a single, tab-separated line), save as a text file, and import into

John Nurick

Unfortunately there's no easy way of getting from loosely-structured
text such as UK addresses typed into a word processor to the
rigidly-structured data that Access is designed to work with.

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