Address list in Word needed in Excel


Blue Bunny

I have a list of addresses in a Word document which I would like to put into
It's a simple list of names & address:

Jane Jones
101 My Way
MyCity, NC 22222

Paul Joyner
202 His Way
HisCity, NC 33333

I need to have it in an Excel format with the following columns:
First Name
Last Name

Is there a way to do this???


I'd start with a series of search and replaces:

Replace: "^p" with ", ^p" (add a comma and space to the end of each line.)
Replace: ", ^p, ^p" with "^p" (remove the lines between your addresses.)
Replace: ", ^p" with ", " (put the addresses on one line each)

At this point, you have:

Jane Jones, 101 My Way, MyCity, NC 22222
Paul Joyner, 202 His Way, HisCity, NC 33333

If all the addresses are in NC, you can replace "NC " with "NC, ". If
they're not, you might have to manually add those commas. You want to have:

Jane Jones, 101 My Way, MyCity, NC, 22222
Paul Joyner, 202 His Way, HisCity, NC, 33333

Then you should save the document as a plain text file (.TXT) and open it in
Excel. Tell the Text Import Wizard that you are importing a Delimited file.
In the next screen, check "Comma," so that your fields will be split at each
comma. Click on Finish.

Now all your data are in columns. In order to split the name into first and
last name, insert a column between columns A and B. Select Column A, then
Data, Text to Columns, Delimited, Next, Check "Space," (so the first name
will be separated from the last name,) and Finish.

Blue Bunny

Thanks to both of you for such quick replies! I tried Hagop's and it did the
job. JoAnn, I'll be keeping your method also for future reference.
I certainly appreciate the help - you've saved me lots of data entry time!
Just gotta love this community~~~

JoAnn Paules said: Labels into Mail Merge Data File.pdf


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Blue Bunny said:
I have a list of addresses in a Word document which I would like to put
It's a simple list of names & address:

Jane Jones
101 My Way
MyCity, NC 22222

Paul Joyner
202 His Way
HisCity, NC 33333

I need to have it in an Excel format with the following columns:
First Name
Last Name

Is there a way to do this???

Graham Mayor

While the essential mechanism is covered in it can be a little
tricky to resolve the firstname lastname issue especially if you have names
that have more than two parts eg Paul Joyner Snr. or William Van Damme

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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