Addressing emails - new install of Outlook 2003




I installed Office 03 on my new PC and have ported over the PSTs from the
old, soon-to-die PC.

BUT, when i try to type in addresses in a new email, nothing is recognized
to autocomplete. So I clicked on the "To..." button and an error message
tells "Contacts folder associated with this address list could not be

I even copied over the Outlook.nk2 file which is supposed to contain
Nicknames for Autocomplete, but i suppose w/o the right contact list linked,
that does not good.

My contacts, etc. all came over successfully - what have i forgotten to do?

Thanks in advance!


Thanks Ben - worked fine. Also, realized i had to rename the .nk2 file and
now everything is "recreated" perfectly.

Have a great day!

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