I am a newbie to VBA, but not coding. I volunteer at the local food bank.
They use a database to schedule volunteers in to sort the food collected.
User wants me to forcast how many vols will be here at a given time on a
given day. DB record contains start time, end time and number scheduled. I
have successfully programmed that concept and placed it in a 24 by 60 array.
Now I must display it. Main form is frmMain, command button is cmdProjSched
which calls expression cmdProjSched_Click. Within sub procedure I have used
Current.Session, SQL code and ADO to call records, fill the array and get
ready to print. Cannot seem to get output form frmSchedVol to address the
array. Using output form properties, I think I need to populate the Record
Source with the address of the array, but I don't know how to do that. Any
They use a database to schedule volunteers in to sort the food collected.
User wants me to forcast how many vols will be here at a given time on a
given day. DB record contains start time, end time and number scheduled. I
have successfully programmed that concept and placed it in a 24 by 60 array.
Now I must display it. Main form is frmMain, command button is cmdProjSched
which calls expression cmdProjSched_Click. Within sub procedure I have used
Current.Session, SQL code and ADO to call records, fill the array and get
ready to print. Cannot seem to get output form frmSchedVol to address the
array. Using output form properties, I think I need to populate the Record
Source with the address of the array, but I don't know how to do that. Any