I run an import where the date is formated as follows:
Wed Aug 22 11:47:43 -0500 2007
In excel I created the following macro to adjust the format to mm/dd/yy
For Each Cell In Range("e2:h" & Range("e65535").End(xlUp).Row)
If Cell.Value <> "" Then
Y = Right(Cell, 4)
M = Month(Mid(Cell, 5, 6))
D = Mid(Cell, 9, 2)
T = TimeValue(Mid(Cell, 12, 8))
Cell = DateSerial(Y, M, D) + T
End If
Can I create something similar with an update query?
I tried placing the following into the 'update to', but it simply deletes
the entire field:
DateSerial(Year(Right([Created On],4)),Month(Mid([Created
On],5,3)),Day(Mid([Created On],9,2)))
Microsoft Access 2003
Wed Aug 22 11:47:43 -0500 2007
In excel I created the following macro to adjust the format to mm/dd/yy
For Each Cell In Range("e2:h" & Range("e65535").End(xlUp).Row)
If Cell.Value <> "" Then
Y = Right(Cell, 4)
M = Month(Mid(Cell, 5, 6))
D = Mid(Cell, 9, 2)
T = TimeValue(Mid(Cell, 12, 8))
Cell = DateSerial(Y, M, D) + T
End If
Can I create something similar with an update query?
I tried placing the following into the 'update to', but it simply deletes
the entire field:
DateSerial(Year(Right([Created On],4)),Month(Mid([Created
On],5,3)),Day(Mid([Created On],9,2)))
Microsoft Access 2003