Adjusting for late or early starts



Hello all,

I am using MS project server 2003 with SP1, when user of this server
create a project and when tasks begin late or early, project doesn't
change the task start dates or adjust the remaining portion of tasks.

Calculation Mode is set to automatic and I played with four check boxes
and tried to change this behavior but I have not been able to fix this

Also customize project web access for Time period setting is set to Non
Managed periods.

Any suggestions appreciated.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Sherry --

If you are using either the % Work Complete or Actual Work Done and Work
Remaining methods of tracking, neither of these methods are date sensitive.
This means that neither method can capture either an early start or late
start. Furthermore, the only way either of them can show a potential late
finish is if a team member increases the Remaining Work value. The only
tracking method that is date sensitive is the Hours of Work Done Per Day or
Per Week, which can capture actual early/late starts or finishes.

If you are using either of the first two methods, you can work around the
date sensitivity issue by adding the Actual Start and Actual Finish fields
to the list of published fields in each project and in the PWA timesheet as
well. Refer to the following FAQ for information on how to do this: Documents/changestartandend.htm

Hope this helps.


Thanks so much for your reply.
What happens if I change setting in Customize web access for Specify
the default method for reporting progress on tasks.
Changing it from
Hours of work done per day or per week: Resources report the hours
worked on each task during each time period
Percent of work complete: Resources report the percent of work
complete, between 0 and 100%.

Would that make my life easier or miserable?:)


Dale Howard [MVP]

Sherry --

I'm confused. From the description of your original problem, it sounded
like you are NOT using the Hours of Work Done Per Day or Per Week method of
tracking progress in Project Server. Why don't you describe your problem in
a little more detail and we will try to help you?



My problem still is when tasks begin late or early, project doesn't
change the task start dates or adjust the remaining portion of tasks.

My setting for task reporting in Specify the default method for
reporting progress on tasks is set to:
Hours of work done per day or per week: Resources report the hours
worked on each task during each time period.

Since I am network administrator and all of a sudden I found my self
being a MS project administrator, I was hoping instead of going to
change 100 project one by one, I'll change the setting for reporting
task and that fix the problem.
My be I am looking for a magic wand to fix this problem.

I appreciate your patient since I am still new in Project



Dale Howard [MVP]

Sherry --

Your problem is caused by the "Resources report the hours worked on each
task during each time period" setting. If you change this to the "Resources
should report their hours worked every day" setting, your team members will
be able to show both early/late Starts, and early/late Finishes. Hope this

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