adidas VBA
How can I convert this code to say
if value in column E = "CO" then this code
Right now it detects CRJ, ER3 and others in Column J and adds lette E to
everything in Column 3. I would like some additional control on the
code. Help appreciated.
Dim mycounter As Double
Dim c As Range
Dim d As Range
mycounter = 1
Do While mycounter < 35001
Set c = Range("J" & mycounter)
Select Case c.Text
Case Is = "CRJ", "EM2", "ER3", "ER4", "ERD", "ERJ"
Set d = Range("E" & mycounter)
d.Value = d.Value & IIf(Right(d.Text, 1) <> "E", "E", "")
End Select
mycounter = mycounter + 1
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if value in column E = "CO" then this code
Right now it detects CRJ, ER3 and others in Column J and adds lette E to
everything in Column 3. I would like some additional control on the
code. Help appreciated.
Dim mycounter As Double
Dim c As Range
Dim d As Range
mycounter = 1
Do While mycounter < 35001
Set c = Range("J" & mycounter)
Select Case c.Text
Case Is = "CRJ", "EM2", "ER3", "ER4", "ERD", "ERJ"
Set d = Range("E" & mycounter)
d.Value = d.Value & IIf(Right(d.Text, 1) <> "E", "E", "")
End Select
mycounter = mycounter + 1
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