adjustment of the filename in the windows bar



I have defined a access database. I do not hon how but
somehow i gave it the name wrtewret which is visible on
the windows bar. This is not the filename which you can
see with windows explorer, it is the name as i said before
on the windows bar. It is the same bar which let you see
what applications are in use.
I want to change this wretwrt into amos.

How can i do this?

Van T. Dinh

Use the Menu Tools / Startup... / Application Title TextBox and change the
Title to what you want.


thank you very much!!
-----Original Message-----
Use the Menu Tools / Startup... / Application Title TextBox and change the
Title to what you want.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)


Ed Robichaud

If you mean the text that appears in the active window title bar, forms and
reports have a "caption" property that
displays the text. Databases also have similar property. Start your mdb,
then select from the toolbar, <file><database properties>. You can then
change the title of your database. For an Access application, you probably
want a switchboard or some other main menu form to appear instead of the
database window.

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