Administering Access Security



Good morning,

I have a security set up on my Access database. Currently, I am the only
one who adds, deletes or makes changes to the user profiles on the security.

I am wondering how you guys are doing to add, delete or make changes to the
security profile. Do you guys designate one of the users to go to the mdw
file and make changes? Is there a way to create a user interface (e.g.
Access form) allowing the users to add, delete or make changes? If there is
a way, can you share with me on how to do it?



Here's how I did it. I created an unbound form frmAdmin, which contains a
couple of labels with instructions, and a custom toolbar that includes "User
and Group Permissions" and "User and Group Accounts". These are in the
Tools category on the Commands tab of the Customize dialog box (Tools >
Then, on my main form, I added a command button cmdSecurity to open
frmAdmin. In the form's Load event:

If Not UserGroup("Admins") Then
Me.cmdSecurity.Visible = False
Me.cmdSecurity.Visible = True
End If

This opens the form that has the appropriate menu items for security
administration, but it is only visible to somebody in the Admins group.

You could also use a label's double-click event or something obscure like
that to open frmAdmin, or you could just leave cmdSecurity visible. Only
those in the Admins group will be able to administer security.

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