Administrative actuals does not match work


Bob Schroen

I have an Administrative project that has recorded a value of 780 hours for
vacation time for one resource, but the actual work (from MSP_WEB_WORK)
shows only a total of 60 hours the difference of 720 hours was adjusted by
the option "Adjust Actuals"

The time sheet summary is correct but the porfolio analyzer and the "Actual
Work" and "Actual Work Protected" via the MS Project Pro is not correct.

This leeds to the question where is this information stored and how can I
fix it.

Thanks in advance - Bob

Reid McTaggart

This will happen when a resource is added to an Administrative task that
already has had time reported against it by other resources, and the new
resource's units are not set to 0% when he is assigned.

This results in the resource's AW and AWP reflecting as if the resource had
worked on that task at his Units rate for each day that any other resource
reported time on the task. You can see this by selecting the Task Usage view
and displaying Actual Work or Actual Work Protected.

To fix it:
Turn off managed time periods (you might want to remove log-on permissions
for others while you do this).

Set the resource's units to 0 for the assignment.

Fix the actual work in the Task Usage view.

Republish the assignment and check the box to overwrite actuals entered by

Turn on managed time periods.

Restore log-on permissions.

Bob Schroen

I would be very good if MS could actual make the sysme more user error proof
if it is going to currupt the data like this.

I would still be interested to find out what where MS Project Profesional
gets the data when you sync to protected actuals.

Thanks in advance - Bob

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