We created an administrative installation point with
Office XP and updated the installation with all the
service packs and hotfixes. We can push out to our clients
on our network through the GPO, this works fine. We want
to send out the disk to our dial up users. But the space
used by the administrative installation is over the amount
of one CD. How do we split up the files into 2 CD's or is
their a way to use only one CD for our dial up users?
Office XP and updated the installation with all the
service packs and hotfixes. We can push out to our clients
on our network through the GPO, this works fine. We want
to send out the disk to our dial up users. But the space
used by the administrative installation is over the amount
of one CD. How do we split up the files into 2 CD's or is
their a way to use only one CD for our dial up users?