Administrative Projects - Resource Units



I've seen posts that say to assign all resources in administrative projects
to zero percent units. What is the reasoning behind that? Also, if I did
not do so prior to resources entering their time, can I make change all the
resources to zero percent now?


Dale Howard [MVP]

CLin --

The reason for assigning resources at 0% Units to tasks in an Administrative
project is to create a series of "empty buckets" into which your team
members can enter Actual Work for those administrative tasks. I'm not sure
how to answer your other question. How long have you been running this
Administrative project, how many team members are assigned to it, how many
of them have submitted actuals already, and how many hours of Actual Work
have been submitted to this project? Let us know.



We actually have 2 admin projects that having been running for 3 months.
There are about 50 resources. There are about 2000+ hours allocated.


Dale Howard [MVP]

clin341 --

This is probably not the advice you want to hear, but I would recommend that
you end this Administrative project immediately, save it as an .mpp file,
and then delete it from the Project Server database. From there, I would
recommend that you create a new Administrative project that contains the
same tasks as the former one, set the Duration accordingly, and assign
resources at 0% Units on each task. Then save and publish the new
Administrative plan that is configured correctly. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply, Dale. Do you know what the consequence will be if I
change the units to zero now?


Dale Howard [MVP]

CLin --

At the very least, the system will reset all Remaining Work to 0 hours on
every task, which in essence sets the Units to 0% on the remaining portion
of each task. Beyond this, I do not have the time to research all of the
other consequences. If you want to experiment with it, go ahead, but I will
take no responsibility for the consequences. Let us know how things turn

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