Administrative Time and Email Updates


Irish Gues

A couple of questions on Administrative Projects...

1. I created 4 new tasks in my admin project - work orders, out of office,
administrative, maintenance. I didn't change any work, duration or dates as
instructed. I then added my resources and published the project. Now, every
time someone updates their time and I go in to accept their time, an email is
sent to the whole group saying that their tasks have changed. How do I fix

2. We just rolled out EPM in my department and I have only had two people
enter in time against a couple of my adminstrative tasks, yet they are
showing as completed now. How do I fix this?

Thank you in advance!!!

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Irish Gues,

In regards to your first question, you cant fix it, this is the
functionality by design. ( I know its not nice, but unfortunalty you cant
change it). The only way to work arround it is to switch off the
notification ( from the PWA Home page). But that would mean that no new or
changed assignement would be notified ( so not really a work arround).

in regards to your second question. That is also the way it workes. Since
the Admin Project only really acts as a time entry facility you dont really
have to worry about it. The functionality is also by design.

If possible you may want to check out Project Server 2007 since it has a
completly new ( and nice ) method of timesheeting and task update. That may
be of interest for you.
Hope this helps

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